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Kameron Conley

What to Drink With Sushi

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

What to drink with sushi

If you haven’t eaten sushi before, but you’re considering trying it, you might have some questions. One likely question that comes to mind is what to drink with sushi. There are a variety of options for drinks that are capable of quenching your thirst. There are many different drinks that go great with any sushi dish. This is the case whether you’re enjoying either an alcoholic beverage or ones without alcohol. Deciding what to drink with sushi is easier once you have some background information on the different options. Continue reading below for more details about what to drink with sushi!

Japanese Beer and Sake

One of the best choices for what to drink with sushi is beer from Japan. Unlike American lagers, beers imported from Japan come with a refreshing sensation that goes well with any sushi perfectly. Some of the most common brands of Japanese beers that people usually drink with their sushi rolls are Kirin, Orion Premium Draft or Sapporo. Sake is another option for what to drink with sushi.

Even though drinking Sake with sushi is a choice at most sushi restaurants, it’s a common practice in Japan for people to drink beer with their sushi. Some of the most common types of Sake include Diamond and Nigori. If you can’t find Japanese beer or Sake, a light American beer like Coors or Miller is a good alternative.

Mixed Drinks

Another appealing option for what to drink with sushi is a delightful mixed drink. These are capable of complementing the flavors of your favorite sushi rolls. The best mixed drinks to pair with sushi are typically light. So try to look for something with Vodka or Gin. Spritzers also pair well with sushi rolls. When choosing a mixed drink to enjoy with your sushi it’s important to avoid heavier drinks. So a drink like Bloody Mary or Whiskey and Coke should be avoided. These types of drinks have the potential to overpower the flavors of your sushi rolls. That’s why it’s also important to avoid drinking liquor straight or on the rocks with your meal.

Mixed drinks containing a hint of ginger are capable of highlighting the flavor of the ingredients in your sushi rolls. So when in doubt, try to find something with a ginger or citrus flavor. Along with cocktails and mixed drinks, some people also enjoy sweeter drinks like cocktails. Whatever type of drink you prefer, you can’t go wrong with pairing a flavorful alcoholic drink with sushi rolls.

Green Tea

One of the options for what to drink with sushi that may actually surprise you is green tea. It’s not everyday that you find meals that are perfectly complemented with a glass of green tea. Regardless, green tea is one of the more traditional beverage choices for sushi diners in Japan. Green tea contains a flavor profile that works great alongside sushi. This means your green tea drink won’t overtake the taste of the sushi that you’re eating. If you’ve never tried green tea with your sushi rolls before then you’re in for a treat.


If you’re searching for what to drink with sushi in hopes of finding a non-alcoholic option that isn’t water, you’re in luck. Soda or ginger flavored drinks both pair wonderfully with sushi rolls. Ginger drinks in particular work well with sushi because of how the ginger can compliment certain rolls. If you aren’t a fan of ginger, something that is similar to citrus sodas.

There are also numerous Asian sodas available at sushi restaurants that are capable of satisfying your thirst while you enjoy your sushi rolls. A refreshing, ice cold soda serves as the perfect pairing to your favorite sushi rolls.

What to Drink With Sushi at Under Wraps in Pleasant Grove

Now that you know what to drink with sushi, your mouth is probably watering as you crave your next sushi meal. There are a variety of drinks that are capable of perfectly complementing your meal including Japanese beers, sodas and cocktails. Try some of them for yourself today at Under Wraps Sushi in Pleasant Grove! Along with a vast selection of hand rolls for both lunch and dinner, we also have the option to select a mocktail or Asian soda to go with your meal. At Under Wraps Sushi there’s something on the menu for everyone to enjoy. All you have to do is stop in or make an online order. Our team of chefs would be glad to serve up a meal and drink that will make you eager to come back for more!

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